EPFL Final 2017
Watch or rewatch the Final of 21 November 2017
EPFL Winners
- Oulfa Chellaï, « Diffusion des ondes millimétriques par la turbulence de bord dans les plasmas de fusion», Physique des plasmas de base (prof. Ivo Furno), Français
- Raphaël de Fondeville, «Statistical modelling of extreme windstorms», Chaire de statistique (prof. Anthony C. Davison), Français
- Severin Stähly, “Challenge environmental impact of Hydropower”, Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (prof. Anton J.Schleiss), English
- Bahar Haghighat, «Design,Modeling, and Control Methodologies for Self-Assembling Floating Miniature Robotic Systems», Distributed intelligent systems and algorithms laboratory (prof. Alchiero Martinoli), English
- Anush Chiappino Pepe, «Understanding the malaria parasites», Laboratory of Computational Systems Biotechnology (prof. Vassily Hatzimanikatis), English
- Evgenii Glushkov, «Fluorescent nanodiamonds as quantum bio-molecular probes for live cell imaging and sensing», Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology (prof. Aleksandra Radenovic), English
- Lucas Güniat, «Les nanofils et leurs directions de croissance : façonnage d’une plateforme quantique ordonnée», Laboratoire des matériaux semiconducteurs (Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral), Français
- Thomas Jusselme, «LCA based exploration method for the early stages of low carbon building design», Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (prof. Marilyne Andersen) and Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (prof. Emmanuel Rey), English
- Marie Shamseddin, «Role of hormonal contraception on breast cancer risk», Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (Prof. Cathrin Brisken), English
- Scott Lindner, «Non-invasive high resolution near-infrared imaging of the neonatal brain based on time-resolved single photon detector arrays», Advanced Quantum Architecture Lab (Prof. Edoardo Charbon), English
- Yohan Boillat, «Métabolisme du cerveau durant l’activité cérébrale mesuré par IRM 7T», Laboratoire Leenaards-Jeantet d’imagerie fonctionnelle et métabolique (Prof. Rolf Gruetter) Français
- Simone Haag, «Small molecule screens against innate immune signalling pathways», Global Health Institute (Prof. Andrea Ablasser) English
- Anne-Clémence Corminboeuf, Prof. SB Faculty
- Kathryn Hess-Bellwald, Prof. SV Faculty
- Mauro Lattuada, Manager Technology Transfer
- Bastien Confino, Science Journalist RTS radio
- Bertrand Beauté, Science Journalist TDG
- Julien Guex, sous-directeur CVCI
Swiss Final
Lucas Güniat, Evgenii Glushkov and Bahar Haghighat were at the Swiss Final of the Competition “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” that took place on 7 June 2018 at UNIFR.
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EPFL Finals