EPFL Final 2016

EPFL Winners of the 2nd Edition of the "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" Competition, Julie Scotton 1st, Giel Op't Veld 2nd and audience award prize, and Amaël Cohades 3rd (from right to left)

Watch of rewatch the presentations of the finalists 13 October 2016

EPFL Winners

  1. Mickael Montandon-Clerc, «Homogeneous Catalytic Formic Acid Dehydrogenation in Aqueous Solution by First Row Transition Metals», Laboratoire de chimie organométallique et  médicinale (prof. Gabor Laurenczy), Français
  2. Davide Wüthrich, «Impact of waves against structures», Hydraulic Constructions Laboratory (prof. Anton Schleiss), Anglais
  3. Christophe Loraux, «Long term monitoring of existing wind turbines towers », Laboratoire de maintenance, construction et sécurité des ouvrages (prof. Eugen Brühwiler), Français
  4. Amael Cohades, «Functional composites with damage control and repair»,  Laboratoire de technologie des composites et polymères (prof. Véronique Michaud), Français
  5. Nassima Nasri, «Experimental and numerical Studies of asymmetric FRP joints delamination with Embedded Optical Sensors», Laboratoire de mécanique et analyse de fiabilité  (prof. John Botsis), Français
  6. Nicolas Desbaillets, «Tumor-initiating cell targeted immunotherapy in breast cancer», Debiopharm Chair in Signal Transduction in Oncogenesis (prof. Jörg Huelsken), Anglais
  7. Leila Mirmohamadsadeghi, «Signal processing tools for cardio-respiratory interactions», Groupe de traitement des signaux appliqués (MER Dr. Jean-Marc Vesin), Français
  8. Julie Scotton, «Drugs Repurposing for Combinatorial Therapy in the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme», Laboratoire du prof. Douglas Hanahan, Français
  9. Ossama Khalaf, «In the pursuit of the fear engram: Identification of neuronal circuits underlying the treatment of anxiety disorders», Laboratory of Neuroepigenetics (Prof. Johannes Gräff), Anglais
  10. Stephanie Cohen, «Tracking the signaling cargo of extracellular symbionts into host tissues», Laboratory for Biological Geochemistry (prof. Anders Meibom),  Anglais
  11. Frank Bonnet, «Speaking with animals: using miniature robotic agents to establish a communication channel with fish», Laboratoire de systèmes robotiques (prof. Francesco Mondada), Français
  12. Edouard Lehmann, «Pesticides in the Saharan zone, quantification and assessment of the impacts on human health, case study of gardening in Burkina Faso», Central Environmental Laboratory (MER Dr. Luiz Felippe de Alencastro),  Anglais
  13. Raphael Sommer, «Imagerie de la tuberculose», Laboratoire du prof. Stewart Cole, Français

  14. Giel Op ’t Veld, «Caching Common Information», Laboratory for information in Networked Systems (prof. Michael C. Gastpar), Anglais
  • Guisou Van Der Goot, Dean SV Faculty
  • Rachid Guerraoui, Professor IC Faculty
  • Mauro Lattuada, manager en transfert de technologie à l’EPFL
  • Bastien Confino, RTS Radio Journalist
  • Tania Chytil RTS Découverte Producer


Swiss Final

Julie Scotton, Amaël Cohades and Giel Op ’t Veld were at the Swiss Final of the Competition “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” that took place on 18 May 2017 at UNIGE.

International Final

Amaël Cohades was at the International Final on 28 Septembre 2017 in Lièges in Belgique.